We will put you in touch with our Payment Gateway partners who will take this further with you.

As a next step they will require the below documentation from your side:

If you are running the eCommerce store as a company, documents required are:

1:ID Proof of all Directors( with signed and Director stamp)
2:Address Proof of all directors (with signed and Director stamp)
3:Certificate of incorporation. ( with signed and Director stamp)
4:Bank verification (Will be sent by Payment Gateway Partner)( with signed and Director stamp)
5:Agreement (Will be sent by Payment Gateway Partner) ( with signed and Director stamp)

If you are running the eCommerce store as an individual, documents required are:
1:PAN card
2:Address proof
3:Bank verification (Will be sent by Payment Gateway Partner) (with your signature)
4:Agreement (Will be sent by Payment Gateway Partner) (with your signature)